I know for a fact that I am...
The internet is plagued with "one-size fits all" training programs that could not care less about the athlete.
If you are an athlete, there is no point training like a bodybuilder!
Stop using those training programs that pop up on your instagram or tik tok, there are NOT what you need to be doing in the gym!
It truly is crazy to me that people entrust their bodies to random programs they find online - and then question why they are always getting injured?
You will STOP GETTING INJURIES once you start to train specific to your sport, once you start mimicing the movements required out on the field, and once you employ a real mobility routine that will actually change the way you move.
Better than that, you will actually INCREASE PERFORMANCE, you will be more dynamic, you will run faster, jump higher, kick further and be the best athlete in your league school or division!